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Case Studies

Elevating 8TURN’s Digital Presence with TikTok Campaigns

Photograph of the blog post author, Annika Hope

Annika Hope


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8TURN, the pioneering boy group of MNH Entertainment, debuted in 2023 and has been creating a storm in the music industry ever since. The group consists of eight dynamic members: JAE YUN (the leader), MYUNG HO, MIN HO, YOON SUNG, HAE MIN, KYUNG MIN, YUN GYU, and SEUNG HEON.

The name “8TURN” encapsulates the essence of infinite possibilities (“8” symbolising infinity) and the ambition to lead a new era in K-POP through their music and performances.

Musical Journey and Achievements

8TURN kicked off their journey with their 1st Mini Album, “8TURNRISE,” which showcased their limitless potential and desire to soar in the K-POP industry. This album set the stage for their innovative approach to music and performance.

Not long after, they released their 2nd Mini Album, “UNCHARTED DRIFT,” an album which encapsulates the adventurous spirit of its eight members as they navigate their unique paths in the music industry.

Their rapid rise to fame was highlighted by their performances at prestigious events like “KCON 2023 SAUDI ARABIA” and the “SuperSound Festival in BANGKOK.” Their first fan concert, “TURN TABLE,” was a huge success, cementing their growing popularity in Korea and internationally.

8TURN are making waves with their message, “The value that represents me is myself.” They’re becoming leaders for Gen-Z with their high-quality performances and unique style while setting new trends in the K-POP scene.

Campaign Success with 8TURN and Music Gateway


At Music Gateway, we were thrilled to work with 8TURN to boost their digital presence and engage with their fans on their track ‘GLOW’. Here’s a closer look at what we did together for the band’s TikTok Campaign and the fantastic results we achieved.

TikTok Campaign for ‘GLOW’

  •    Views: 56.2M and growing
  •    Shares: 7.8K to date
  •    Likes: 809K and growing

Strategies Implemented:

Targeted Content Creation

Using engaging, high-quality videos highlighted 8TURN’s energetic performances and unique style. These videos were designed to capture the attention of TikTok’s young audience, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

Influencer Collaborations

Teaming up with popular TikTok influencers whose followers matched 8TURN’s target fanbase was key, as when these influencers shared content featuring 8TURN it helped introduce the group to new potential fans.

Hashtag Challenges

To get fans involved, we launched hashtag challenges that encouraged fans to create their own content inspired by 8TURN’s music and dance moves. This strategy significantly boosted organic reach and engagement.

Consistent Posting Schedule

We maintained a regular posting schedule to keep 8TURN’s TikTok profile active and engaging. Regular updates ensured that fans stayed excited and looked forward to new content, helping to build a loyal and growing fanbase.


Massive Visibility 

The campaign achieved an impressive 56.2 million views, dramatically increasing 8TURN’s visibility on TikTok and helping it reach a wider audience.

Widespread Sharing

With 7.8K shares, the content spread far beyond their initial followers, attracting new fans to 8TURN’s music.

High Engagement 

The campaign garnered 809K likes, reflecting strong viewer engagement and positive reception. This high level of interaction indicates a deeply engaged and enthusiastic fanbase.

Closing Thoughts on 8TURN 


Our partnership with 8TURN shows how powerful strategic digital marketing can be in boosting online presence and fan engagement. Through targeted and consistent content creation, posting and collaborations, 8TURN reached new heights and connected with thier audience more deeply. We can’t wait to work with them again in the future!

For musicians looking to enhance their digital presence and achieve similar success, Music Gateway offers a range of services tailored to your needs. Whether you want to increase your social media engagement, boost the visibility of your music, or connect with fans worldwide, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.

Join us at Music Gateway, and let us help you make your musical journey as impactful and successful as 8TURN’s GLOW.

For more information on our services and how we can assist you, book a call with one of our team.


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